Rob Isaac
Prose Editor
You may find echoes between my experience of writing and yours. I have always read extensively the works of writers, known and new, national and international. I have loved reading the works of passionate wordsmiths, from Dylan Thomas to Simon Armitage, Charles Dickens to Graham Greene, Alexander Solzhenitsin to Boris Pasternak, Maya Angelou to Margaret Atwood, and, of course, Hilary Mantel. I have spent over seven years writing and publishing a novel set in post-war Britain. Well, I spent three intensive months writing it and then seven years rewriting and editing it. I also write poetry and strive to write the best words in the best order. The same can apply to prose, of course. The MA in Creative Writing is making me realise that my novel needs a further edit, which is happening, believe me. So don’t hang back. Feel free to join our band of word warriors.
Advisory Hints:
Is your writing related to the anthology’s theme of UNBREAKABLE?
Does the plot make sense? Is it developmental, interesting and pacy?
Is your characterisation colourful? Do characters change and develop? Do characters earn their place on your page?
Does the writing have sensory description with characters feeling, seeing, touching, hearing, smelling and/or tasting? Is it concise?
Is there an almost unresolvable conflict that is resolved in some way?